Infographic Design Services

Infographics display information visually, the primary medium in which humans consume content.

Our infographic designers, illustrators and industry researchers give your brand a visual lift by synthesizing often-complex data into digestible and shareable graphics that drive value.

Brain studies have shown pairing text with graphics increases retainment of information over a longer period of time. Great design is how your brand stays top of mind.

Ketver’s design team helps you convert new customers and establish industry expertise through designing infographics and other graphical assets.

Our Approach to Design

Graphic design is a group effort. Don’t let anyone tell you it isn’t.

Step 1:
We combine the power of our Design, Editorial and Strategy departments to create infographics that will resonate with your audience, convey your brand messaging and propel your ongoing marketing campaigns. Many of our graphic design ideas center on industry data, top trends, future predictions, practical solutions and brand identifiers.

Step 2:
Our design process goes something like this: After scoping out the size of the infographic and forming a written outline of the key points to be illustrated, our designers can produce wireframes to give you a strong idea of how we’re bringing your vision to the market.

Step 3:

Post-mockup approval, our design team uses your brand guidelines as a jumping-off point and researches competitors and industry leaders to define what will differentiate your infographic from the rest. You can expect to see a layout of custom:

Instructional Diagrams


Character Images

Hand-Drawn Illustrations

Lists, Charts, Graphs, Maps



Statistical Insights

Brand Formatting

Step 4
From there, our designers break out the industry-best infographic tools and within a week’s time, your infographic is finalized and ready to launch.

Infographics of Every Size

The goal of your infographic and the content it covers will largely determine the graphic size you’ll need, and by extension, the pricing of the asset.

We can customize any graphic to spec but our most common offerings are:

Silver Infographics
Design an infographic that illustrates basic concepts, general workflows and B2B or B2C processes. We use stylized icons, supplemental copy and brand-specific language, colors and typography to visually communicate ideas.

Gold Infographics
Utilize 2-D imagery, visual storytelling and custom characters to craft more nuanced ideas, trends or product-specific features.

Platinum Infographics
Produce a data visualization that more completely conveys complex ideas. We weave together a constellation of visuals, 2-D characters, on-brand storytelling and hard data to be distributed and repurposed for long-term use across any marketing channel.

Platinum Plus Infographics
Produce data-heavy narratives that more completely convey complex ideas. We weave together a constellation of visuals, 2-D characters, on-brand storytelling and hard data to be distributed and repurposed for long-term use across any marketing channel.

Additional sizing options are available as recommended by our Design Director.

Putting Infographics to Work

Infographics cut through dense industry conversations and stale long-form text. That enables your brand to immediately set yourself apart from the crowd and project your company image as creative, authoritative and cutting-edge.

Our clients typically leverage infographics within blog content for maximum SEO value as well as throughout their email newsletter campaigns, social media postings and trade show events. These assets are versatile, printable (on-request) and reusable – many clients pull out specific data points and embed them into other pieces of content or use them as the basis for other content ideas.

Because infographics communicate visually, they’re easily consumed by wider audiences who may not be as familiar with your industry or your product. Top verticals we find infographic success in are:


Financial Services




Infographics are universal, so if your company operates in a niche market or is just starting out, you can still benefit greatly by incorporating them into your content marketing strategy.

What’s the ROI of Infographics?

Each year, infographics continue to be one of the fastest-growing content formats. With human attention spans now shrinking to fewer than 8 seconds, visuals are becoming the go-to resource for content marketers as a matter of physiological necessity.


Infographics are liked or shared on social media platforms 3X as much as other content types.

Eye-tracking studies reveal site visitors tend to ignore stock images or generic photos of people.

90 percent of information transmitted to the brain is visual.

To measure infographic ROI, we analyze:



Social Interaction

Direct Leads

Based on the metrics of more than 750 of our clients, we found top-performing infographics averaged 11 data points.

We’re here to bring your vision to life. Let’s start designing infographics.

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